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function runthefrontside/effection

function run<T>(operation: () => Operation<T>): Task<T>

Execute an operation.

Run is an entry point into Effection, and is especially useful when embedding Effection code into existing code. However, If you are writing your whole program using Effection, you should prefer main.


Example 1

import { run, useAbortSignal } from 'effection';

async function fetchExample() {
  await run(function*() {
    let signal = yield* useAbortSignal();
    let response = yield* fetch('http://www.example.com', { signal });
    yield* response.text();

Run will create a new top-level scope for the operation. However, to run an operation in an existing scope, you can use Scope.run.

Type Parameters



operation: () => Operation<T>

the operation to run

Return Type


a task representing the running operation.