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function createSignalthefrontside/effection
function createSignal<T, TClose = never>(): Signal<T, TClose>
Create a new Signal
Signal should be used when you need to send messages to a stream from outside of an operation. The most common case of this is to connect a plain, synchronous JavaScript callback to an operation.
Example 1
function* logClicks(button) {
let clicks = createSignal<MouseEvent>();
try {
button.addEventListener("click", clicks.send);
for (let click of yield* each(clicks)) {
console.log("click", click);
} finally {
button.removeEventListener("click", clicks.send);
Do not use a signal to send messages from within an operation as it could result in out-of-scope code being executed. In those cases, you should use a Channel.
Type Parameters
TClose = never
Return Type
Signal<T, TClose>